Course material (slides and code).
View the Project on GitHub julien-arino/3MC-course-epidemiological-modelling
6 April 2022
Department of Mathematics & Data Science Nexus University of Manitoba*
Canadian Centre for Disease Modelling Canadian COVID-19 Mathematical Modelling Task Force NSERC-PHAC EID Modelling Consortium (CANMOD, MfPH, OMNI/RÉUNIS)
This is a user-oriented course: I barely, if at all, touch on the algorithms; instead, I focus on how to use them
Code is available in this Github repo in the CODE directory
Some of the slides are inspired from slides given to me by Linda Allen (Texas Tech). I recommend books and articles by Linda for more detail
Constant total population $P^\star$
Basic reproduction number: \(\mathcal{R}_0 = \dfrac{\beta}{\gamma}P^\star\)
Next slides: $P^\star = 100$K, $\gamma=1/5$, $\mathcal{R}_0={0.8,1.5,2.5}$ (and $\beta=\gamma \mathcal{R}_0/P^\star$)
But there are many others. Of note:
$p(t)=(p_1(t),\ldots,p_n(t))^T$: probability vector, with $p_i(t)$ describing the probability that at time $t$, the system is in state $S_i$, $i=1,\ldots,n$
$\sum_i p_i(t)=1$ for al# l $t$, of course
State evolution governed by \(p(t+\Delta t) = A(\Delta t)p(t)\) where $A(\Delta t)$ is a stochastic matrix (row sums all equal 1), the transition matrix, with entry $a_{ij}=\mathbb{P}(X_{t+\Delta t}=s_i|X_t=s_j)$, where $X_1,\ldots$ sequence of random variables describing the state
If $A(\Delta t)=A$ constant, homogeneous DTMC
Time often ‘‘recast’’ so that $\Delta t=1$
The DTMC world lives at the interface between probabilists, who like to think of $p(t)$ as a row vector, $A(\Delta t)$ as a column-stochastic matrix and thus write \(p(t+\Delta t) = p(t)A(\Delta t)\) and linear algebraists, who prefer column vectors and row-stochastic matrices, \(p(t+\Delta t) = A(\Delta t)p(t)\)
So check the direction to understand whether you are using $A$ or $A^T$
As a teacher of modelling: base theory of DTMC uses a lot of linear algebra and graph theory; usually really appreciated by students
Regular DTMC (with primitive transition matrices) allow to consider equilibrium distribution of probability
Absorbing DTMC (with reducible transition matrices) allow the consideration of time to absorption, mean first passage time, etc.
See for instance book of Kemeny and Snell
Since $S=P^\star-I$, consider only the infected. To simulate as DTMC, consider a random walk on $I$ ($\simeq$ Gambler’s ruin problem)
Denote $\lambda_I = \beta (P^\star-I)I\Delta t$, $\mu_I = \gamma I\Delta t$ and $\sigma_I=1-(\lambda_I+\mu_I)\Delta t$
# Make the transition matrix
T = mat.or.vec(nr = (Pop+1), nc = (Pop+1))
for (row in 2:Pop) {
I = row-1
mv_right = gamma*I*Delta_t # Recoveries
mv_left = beta*I*(Pop-I)*Delta_t # Infections
T[row,(row-1)] = mv_right
T[row,(row+1)] = mv_left
# Last row only has move left
T[(Pop+1),Pop] = gamma*(Pop)*Delta_t
# Check that we don't have too large values
if (max(rowSums(T))>1) {
T = T/max(rowSums(T))
diag(T) = 1-rowSums(T)
sol = MultDTMC(nchains = 20, tmat = T, io = IC, n = t_f)
gives 20 realisations of a DTMC with transition matrix T
, initial conditions IC
(a vector of initial probabilities of being in the different $I$ states) and final time t_f
See code on Github
is great for obtaining realisations of a DTMC, but to study it in more detail, markovchain
is much more comprehensive
mcSIS <- new("markovchain",
states = sprintf("I_%d", 0:Pop),
transitionMatrix = T,
name = "SIS")
Note that interestingly, markovchain
overrides the weird default “*
is Hadamard, %*%
is usual” R
matrix product rule, so mcSIS*mcSIS
does $TT$, not $T\circ T$
> summary(mcSIS)
SIS Markov chain that is composed by:
Closed classes:
Recurrent classes:
Transient classes:
The Markov chain is not irreducible
The absorbing states are: I_0
Function | Role |
absorbingStates |
absorbing states of the transition matrix, if any |
steadyStates |
the vector(s) of steady state(s) in matrix form |
meanFirstPassageTime |
matrix or vector of mean first passage times |
meanRecurrenceTime |
vector of mean number of steps to return to each recurrent state |
hittingProbabilities |
matrix of hitting probabilities for a Markov chain |
meanAbsorptionTime |
expected number of steps for a transient state to be absorbed by any recurrent class |
absorptionProbabilities |
$\mathbb{P}$ transient states being absorbed by each recurrent state |
canonicForm |
canonic form of transition matrix |
period |
the period of an irreducible DTMC |
summary |
DTMC summary |
CTMC similar to DTMC except in way they handle time between events (transitions)
DTMC: transitions occur each $\Delta t$
CTMC: $\Delta t\to 0$ and transition times follow an exponential distribution parametrised by the state of the system
CTMC are roughly equivalent to ODE
Weight | Transition | Effect |
$\beta SI$ | $S\to S-1$, $I\to I+1$ | new infection of a susceptible |
$\gamma I$ | $S\to S+1$, $I\to I-1$ | recovery of an infectious |
Will use $S=N^*-I$ and omit $S$ dynamics
set $t\leftarrow t_0$ and $I(t)\leftarrow I(t_0)$ while {$t\leq t_f$}
IC <- c(S = (Pop-I_0), I = I_0)
params <- c(gamma = gamma, beta = beta)
reactions <- list(
reaction("beta*S*I", c(S=-1,I=+1), "new_infection"),
reaction("gamma*I", c(S=+1,I=-1), "recovery")
sol <- ssa(
initial_state = IC,
reactions = reactions,
params = params,
method = ssa_exact(),
final_time = t_f,
plot(sol$time, sol$state[,"I"], type = "l",
xlab = "Time (days)", ylab = "Number infectious")
set $t\leftarrow t_0$ and $N(t)\leftarrow N(t_0)$ while {$t\leq t_f$}
b = 0.01 # Birth rate
d = 0.01 # Death rate
t_0 = 0 # Initial time
N_0 = 100 # Initial population
# Vectors to store time and state. Initialise with initial condition.
t = t_0
N = N_0
t_f = 1000 # Final time
# We'll track the current time and state (could also just check last entry in t
# and N, but will take more operations)
t_curr = t_0
N_curr = N_0
while (t_curr<=t_f) {
xi_t = (b+d)*N_curr
# The exponential number generator does not like a rate of 0 (when the
# population crashes), so we check if we need to quit
if (N_curr == 0) {
tau_t = rexp(1, rate = xi_t)
t_curr = t_curr+tau_t
v = c(b*N_curr, xi_t)/xi_t
zeta_t = runif(n = 1)
pos = findInterval(zeta_t, v)+1
# Birth
N_curr = N_curr+1
# Death
N_curr = N_curr-1
N = c(N, N_curr)
t = c(t, t_curr)
If you do not have an exponential distribution random number generator.. We want $\tau_t$ from $T\thicksim\mathcal{E}(\xi_t)$, i.e., $T$ has probability density function \(f(x,\xi_t)= \xi_te^{-\xi_t x}\mathbf{1}_{x\geq 0}\) Use cumulative distribution function $F(x,\xi_t)=\int_{-\infty}^x f(s,\xi_t)\,ds$ \(F(x,\xi_t)= (1-e^{-\xi_t x})\mathbf{1}_{x\geq 0}\) which has values in $[0,1]$. So draw $\zeta$ from $\mathcal{U}([0,1])$ and solve $F(x,\xi_t)=\zeta$ for $x$ \(\begin{align*} F(x,\xi_t)=\zeta & \Leftrightarrow 1-e^{-\xi_tx}=\zeta \\ &\Leftrightarrow e^{-\xi_tx} = 1-\zeta \\ &\Leftrightarrow \xi_tx = -\ln(1-\zeta) \\ &\Leftrightarrow \boxed{x = \frac{-\ln(1-\zeta)}{\xi_t}} \end{align*}\)
$ | N | = 241,198$ (and $ | t | $ as well, of course!) |
> tail(diff(t))
[1] 1.357242e-04 1.291839e-04 5.926044e-05 7.344020e-05 1.401148e-04 4.423529e-04
(which we saw earlier) and adaptivetau