R for modellers - Vignette 00

About these “vignettes”

Julien Arino

Department of Mathematics

University of Manitoba*

* The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

What are “vignettes”?

Vignettes in R

  • In the R world, vignettes are short “wordy” introductions to a topic or package

  • Vignettes are more user friendly than package manuals or help pages, they provide a narrative

What’s in my vignettes?

These vignettes

  • How-to’s explaining .. how to attack some particular problems in R

  • Focus on problems that are relevant to mathematical modellers

Who’s this for?

Who is this for?

  • Modellers interested in using R instead of python, matlab, mathematica, maple, etc.

  • Students in Summer schools or one of the math epi or modelling courses I teach here and there

  • Students registered in one of the courses I teach at UM in which I use R: some of the vignettes are required reading for you!

Organisation of the vignettes


  • Essentially, there is none!

  • I have tried to group similar topics … with more or less success

The GitHub repo(sitory)

Two forms


This is work in progress

  • Likely to contain typos

  • All the vignettes are not ready yet

  • Hint: if there is a video for a vignette, it is “more ready”