R for modellers - Vignette 02

RStudio and friends

Julien Arino

Department of Mathematics

University of Manitoba*

* The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.


  • Posit was formerly called RStudio, like their main product

  • Did a lot of development for R, still do even on the open source side of things

  • For-profit company, sells pro versions of its open source products

  • IMOBO: in the process of moving to the “dark side”

  • You can completely exist without using the pro versions, though, don’t worry!


  • RStudio has become the reference IDE for R

RStudio server

  • RStudio server: run RStudio on a Linux server and connect via a web interface

  • Note that as far as I can tell, there is no mechanism to auto-update RStudio-server, so you will have to program something or check the site regularly..


  • Rmarkdown: markdown that incorporates R commands

  • Useful for generating reports in html, pdf or doc, can make slides as well..


  • Sweave: LaTeX incorporating R commands
  • Useful for generating pdf reports
  • Not used as much as Rmarkdown these days, probably because Rmarkdown allows output also in html and doc
  • If you have a whole document to typeset using LaTeX, then still the best option
  • See Vignette 17


  • Promoted as next-gen version of Sweave/RMarkdown

  • These Vignettes are created using Quarto and reveal.js


  • Shiny: easily create an interactive web page running R code

Shiny server

  • Shiny server: run Shiny apps on a Linux server
  • Useful for instance if you have a Linux VM running somewhere
  • See, e.g., my instance here
  • See Vignette 19