R for modellers - Vignette 08

Acquiring data

Julien Arino

Department of Mathematics

University of Manitoba*

* The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Be “data aware”

Be data aware

  • Using R (or Python), it is really easy to grab data from the web, e.g., from Open Data sources
  • More and more locations have an open data policy
  • As a modeller, you do not need to have data everywhere, but you should be aware of the context
  • If you want your work to be useful, for instance in public health, you cannot be completely disconnected from reality

Data is everywhere

Closed data

  • Often generated by companies, governments or research labs
  • When available, come with multiple restrictions

Open data

  • Often generated by the same entities but “liberated” after a certain period
  • More and more frequent with governments/public entities
  • Wide variety of licenses, so beware
  • Wide variety of qualities, so beware

Open Data initiatives

Recent movement (5-10 years): governments (local or higher) create portals where data are centralised and published

Data gathering methods

  • Example: population of South Africa
  • Example - Dutch Elm Disease
  • Data wrangling

Data gathering methods

  • By hand
  • Using programs such as Engauge Digitizer or g3data
  • Using natural language processing and other web scraping methods
  • Using APIs
  • Using R or Python packages (to interface with APIs)

Example - Dutch Elm Disease

Dutch Elm Disease

  • Fungal disease that affects Elms
  • Caused by the fungus Ophiostoma ulmi
  • Transmitted by the Elm bark beetle (Scolytus scolytus)
  • Has decimated North American urban elm forests

bg contain

bg contain

bg contain

Getting the tree data

allTrees = read.csv("https://data.winnipeg.ca/api/views/hfwk-jp4h/ro

After this,

## [1] 300846

Let us clean things a little

elms_idx = grep("American Elm", allTrees$Common.Name, ignore.case = TRUE)
elms = allTrees[elms_idx, ]

We are left with 54,036 American elms

bg contain

bg contain

Computation of root systems interactions

(Needs a relatively large machine here - about 50GB RAM)

  • If roots of an infected tree touch roots of a susceptible tree, fungus is transmitted
  • Spread of a tree’s root system depends on its height (we have diametre at breast height, DBH, for all trees)
  • The way roadways are built, there cannot be contacts between root systems of trees on opposite sides of a street

Distances between all trees

elms_xy = cbind(elms$X, elms$Y)
D = dist(elms_xy)
idx_D = which(D<50)

indices_LT is a large \(N(N-1)/2\times 2\) matrix with indices (orig,dest) of trees in the pairs of elms, so indices_LT[idx_D] are the pairs under consideration

Keep a little more..

indices_LT_kept = as.data.frame(cbind(indices_LT[idx_D,],
colnames(indices_LT_kept) = c("i","j","dist")

Create line segments between all pairs of trees

tree_locs_orig = cbind(elms_latlon$lon[indices_LT_kept$i],
tree_locs_dest = cbind(elms_latlon$lon[indices_LT_kept$j],
tree_pairs = do.call(

A bit of mapping

# Get bounding polygon for Winnipeg
bb_poly = osmdata::getbb(place_name = "winnipeg", 
                         format_out = "polygon")
# Get roads
roads <- osmdata::opq(bbox = bb_poly) %>%
  osmdata::add_osm_feature(key = 'highway', 
                           value = 'residential') %>%
  osmdata::osmdata_sf () %>%
  osmdata::trim_osmdata (bb_poly)
# Get rivers
rivers <- osmdata::opq(bbox = bb_poly) %>%
  osmdata::add_osm_feature(key = 'waterway', 
                           value = "river") %>%
  osmdata::osmdata_sf () %>%
  osmdata::trim_osmdata (bb_poly)

And we finish easily

  • We have the pairs of trees potentially in contact with each other
  • We have the roads and rivers of the city, which is a collection of line segments
  • If there is an intersection between a tree pair and a road/river, then we can forget this tree pair as their root systems cannot come into contact
st_crs(tree_pairs) = sf::st_crs(roads$osm_lines$geometry)
iroads = sf::st_intersects(x = roads$osm_lines$geometry,
                           y = tree_pairs)
irivers = sf::st_intersects(x = rivers$osm_lines$geometry,
                            y = tree_pairs)
tree_pairs_roads_intersect = c()
for (i in 1:length(iroads)) {
  if (length(iroads[[i]])>0) {
    tree_pairs_roads_intersect = c(tree_pairs_roads_intersect,
tree_pairs_roads_intersect = sort(tree_pairs_roads_intersect)
to_keep = 1:dim(tree_locs_orig)[1]
to_keep = setdiff(to_keep,tree_pairs_roads_intersect)

bg contain

Example: population of South Africa

pop_data_CTRY <- wb_data(country = "ZAF", indicator = "SP.POP.TOTL",
                         mrv = 100, return_wide = FALSE)
y_range = range(pop_data_CTRY$value)
y_axis <- make_y_axis(y_range)
png(file = "pop_ZAF.png", 
    width = 800, height = 400)
plot(pop_data_CTRY$date, pop_data_CTRY$value * y_axis$factor,
     xlab = "Year", ylab = "Population", type = "b", lwd = 2,
     yaxt = "n")
axis(2, at = y_axis$ticks, labels = y_axis$labels, las = 1)

bg contain