
This research school is organized by the Maud Menten Institute and part of a series of events that emerges from the collaboration of three bodies: The 3MC program (South Africa), PIMS (Canada) and ICMS (UK).


The school will be held on the Fort Gary Campus of the University of Manitoba. More specifically, participants will be housed and lectures will take place at St John’s College.

School structure


Each day includes three 1.5-hour sessions by mathematicians and biologists, covering biological problems, theoretical concepts, applications, and computational tools. To ensure the access to the material, lecture notes, slides, and codes are uploaded to GitHub.

Project Work

Students work in small, diverse groups on assigned research problems, applying lecture content. Instructors provide guidance, and students present their findings at the end of the school in oral presentations and written reports. Students are grouped based on their academic and geographic backgrounds, promoting collaborative learning and research.


The summer school aims to equip students with essential tools and methodologies for investigating complex molecular and cellular questions. Courses will cover techniques relevant to structural, molecular, and cellular biology, all driven by specific biological questions. Cancer will be used as an integrative example throughout the program.

Biological interests

  • Structures and topology of molecules
  • Transport in cells
  • Proteins interactions and signalling pathways
  • Cell shapes and structures
  • Introduction of cancer biology


  • Graph theory and applications in biology
  • Geometric and statistical methods in biological data analysis
  • Mathematical and computational modelling of cellular and molecular biology
  • Stochastic processes and dynamical systems in biological systems

Contact information

Please contact Alison Skopalek with 3MC-PIMS-ICMS-WINNIPEG-2025 in the email subject for any information regarding the school.