This is the material for when I (Julien Arino) am teaching the University of Manitoba MATH 3610 course on Introduction to Mathematical Modelling.
View the Project on GitHub julien-arino/math-3610-introduction-to-math-modelling
This GitHub repo contains material related to the University of Manitoba course MATH 3610, Introduction to Mathematical Modelling and reflects the organisation of the course when I (Julien Arino) teach it.
Here, you will find the publicly available information: code, slides and some general information. All other information (syllabus, assignments, marks) is available through UM Learn.
On the GitHub version of the page, you have access to all the files. You can also download the entire repository by clicking the buttons on the left. (You can also of course clone this repo, but you will need to do that from the GitHub version of the site.)
Feel free to use the material in these slides or in the folders. If you find this useful, I will be happy to know.
Note that, at present, the slides are work in progress and are only checked up to the point covered in lectures.
The following slides and videos are part of a set of “vignettes” about R (see here). They are required reading/watching for the course as they explain some mechanisms that your R assignments will need to use.